~ 17 July 2014 [4.45 pm]~
Special day today, 2 event in a day. First event, will held on 4.45 pm at TownHall. Event for celebrate the CODE8 Apprentices batch 2013 Graduation Day. After almost 1 year in apprentice program, today is the day for them, CODE8 batch 2013 to be rewarded.
Seramai 20 orang apprentices bergraduat. Antara jemputan yang hadir adalah CEO Mimos, CTO Mimos, Directors and all the supervisors. The most important thing is, again, i've become one of the participant in the event.
Sekali lagi diberi kepercayaan dan kesempatan tuk jadi sebahagian dari majlis as Emcee. Thankz to our HR Director, Mr Parameswaran and Code8 Anas for this opportunity. Seraamm!!
Very short event of the day, just intro, sedikit ucapan dari wakil code8, penyampaian sijil graduat dan sesi bergambar. dats all. its all done in most 45 minutes before the second event, Majlis berbuka puasa starts.
Antara wajah2 CODE8 Apprentices yang bergraduat
dr kiri: Muna, Aisyah, Amie, Aina, Izzah
dr belakang: Tong, Syed, Farah, Farihah, Lina, Fiqah
dr kiri: Kak Farah & Kak Farihah (both Emcees for Majlis Berbuka Puasa)
Rehearse time, Emcees Majlis berbuka puasa, emcee graduate day, CODE8 representative speech
CODE8 representatives: Nadhrah & Anwar
After 30 minutes of events, the last part is photoshoot...Cam biasa la, mane2 event pon mesti kena ada gambar kenangan. WAJIB!!
All of the CODE8 Apprentices Batch 2013
My team collegue with supervisor Chin Chee Kheen at center
All of my team members jugak{dotNet} : left: Chin Teong, Haikal, Tong, Chee Kheen, Zarani, Farihah, Rohaizan, Anwar
{JavaTeam}back left: En Shaq, Syed, Anas, En Azam, En Rizal
front left: Kak farah, Nadh, Kak Izzah, Muna
~ 17 July 2014 [6.30 pm]~
Done first part. second part will be Majlis Berbuka Puasa MIMOS. second event ni conducted by Kak Farah and Kak Farihah as emcees. Antara jemputan VVIP yang dijemput adalah anak2 yatim. Meraikan orang2 yang kurang bernasib baik. Syukurlah diri ni masih ada yang tersayang.
Doa Reciter, Afif Fahmi
CEO Mimos, Datuk Abdul Wahab
Dah nama pon Majlis Berbuka Puasa, so makan2 je la pengisiannya. Jom serbu makan. Antara wajah2 orang berpuasa...muka lapar... ehhe
tu diaaa makanan...penuh meja
left: Zana, Aini, Iera