Thursday, October 24, 2013

♥♥ Precious Moment ~ HIS Plan was SUPERBBB ! ♥♥

           Tanggal 20 Oktober 2013 (Ahad) bersamaan 15 Zulhijjah 1434H is one of the turning point of mine in order to step up into the real life. 10 bulan menantikan saat dikurniakan pengikhtirafan Ijazah setelah bergraduat pada 23 Januari 2013 yang lalu. errmm, penantian yang osemm. kebaboowww!! AND its finally done !

              Syukur Alhamdulillah, Majlis Konvokesyen ke-11 Universiti Malaysia Terengganu di Dewan Sultan Mizan berjalan dengan lancar. Baru sekarang dapat rasa betapa hepi + puas hati + teruja + sengsara + macam² rasa ada setelah mengharungi sebahagian cabaran hidup ketika bergelar sebagai pelajar institusi. & now i'm Graduated from UMT in Bachelor of Information Technology (Software Engineering). 
Muke Hepi After Konvo + Muke Tahan Lapar. heee
              The day of Konvo, feeling so fresh bangun pagi. Hati rasa hepi, rasa berdebar & rasa tak sabar. Just prepared for myself macam biasa, but as sudden the time nak pergi UMT at 7.20, my parent said that they can't go with me. Coz of my sister still in pantang, takde yang nak urus baby, adik² da masuk U . Thus i went to UMT celebrate my big day alone . only with frenz. So Sweet i think. huhu . Da la sampai lewat, parking berterabur, semua orang da beratur nak masuk, mortar tak reti nak pakai, borang soal selidik da habis. COBAAN!!
             Dalam duk frust menonggeng famili takde, tyme ni la perlunye kawan tuk mengubat sedih. haha. sempat jugak la buat fotoshoot time dalam hall. kalau tak amik gambar nanti terlelap. Maklumlah, banyak sangat ucapan satu dua perenggan .

               Done pengiktirafan Ijazah Sarjana Muda from Pro-Canselor UMT, Tan Sri Samsuddin bin Osman & i'm the second last SE students to be up there. Aku dapat bayangkan, seronoknya parents yang ada kat upper parts of hall, tepuk tangan kat anak² yang naik terima sijil. sedih pulak rasa. Done with all the scroll, Semua pon da dapat sijil, majlis bersurai . Once keluar dari pintu kanan dewan .... taraaaaa, surpriseee !!

My parent is there. Bak kate Zulaikha Zainal "I rase cam nampak your mom la" . errrrrr. Suddenly, my father gave me a bouquet of flowers. huhu. terharu. Kena pulak dengan cuaca hujan renyai². Romantik. After then borak² ngan parent, pegi amik gambar studio sebelum jumpa kawan² tercinta.

            Da habis all photography session with my parent, now its time for my beloved muah muah muaaahhh frenz .  Btw, sebelum terlupa, a great thankz and appreciate from me to Comtech coz of this sweet banner. AMAZING ! Thankz olls

              A big congratulation to all my frenz yang turut sama konvo, & a biggest thankz to my bestie yang sanggup datang ke Terengganu to celebrate us. sob sob sob. hehe

Biggest gift from my bestie, Izzah...... To be Here is my gift. hehe. Thankz coming

Wift my cute cosmate, Atin

My gorgeous cik Anggun, Zulaikha . Congrates dear

Those my cosmates, Atin, Hizwan, Fatah .

Sweet cosmates : Kak Jan, Umey, Fariza, Atin, Syaza

Santai bersama : Yana, Atin, Hizwan, Fatah, Izzah

              Tak lupa juga junior² tercinta yang penyabar semuanya. sanggup tunggu walaupun agak kelewatan sedikit disitu. Thankz darling-darling.....

SE junior : Hakimah, Fatihah, Tiey

Lovely SE juniors: Atifah, Ayang, Zati, Sherah, Zahirah, Ayunni, Kim, Tiey, Tihah, Dhira
My cosmate: Hizwan

Sweet SE juniors : Pei Yee, Siow Nian Xin, Apple Chong, Hui Meng

            Wajah² ceria yang mencerikan hari² aku. Hikmahnya konvo pada konvokesyen ke-11 dan bukan ke -10 is that, i used to know those sweet and cute SE juniors. You are so so so lovely. Always made my day. 

Nothing else to say, just THANKZ muchas all of you !
Those things i'll keep it safely with me. 

Bouquet from my beloved 'Abah & Mama'

Big bear from the sweetest SE gurlz & the peach one from
my beloved bestie, Zulaikha

Special from those SE cutest n sweetest gurlz

Done wif my fes step in life... FIRST STEP !...hehehehe...there's more challenges things out there . Alhamdulillah first step done, next steps will coming. Pray for me...

My dear Thesis with my sporting supervisor, En Fakhrul Adli

Will miss those things

InsyaAllah, ada rezeki boleh sarung jubah lagi for the next level of reception. Ameen . hehe

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